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We are a care service provider for individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities. We work closely with individuals, families, and collaborative care teams to develop care plans that fit the needs of everyone we serve. We believe that ALL individuals have the right to live their life as they choose and opt to meet their needs by adhering to principles rooted in Everyday Lives and Charting the Life Course framework.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability services are services that support the individual in the home with the support of things such as daily tasks, employment, integration with the community, and advocacy as needed

Our services provide care to individuals with some form of Intellectual Developmental Disability that causes difficulty to live independently.

Such disabilities that fall under IDD can be: ADHD, Apert Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, Developmental Hearing Loss, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Fragile X Syndrome, Kernicterus, Language and Speech Disorder, Learning Disorders, Prader-Willi, Phenylketonuria (PKU), Muscular Dystrophy, Tourette Syndrome, Vision Impairment, Williams Syndrome

Our goal as a company is to create and provide services that help to improve and promote more independence for our participants in the IDD community. As a company, we work to inspire people to live their lives proudly and independently in their communities. 

Our services are able to provide 

Assistance with
Acquiring and improving skills
Nurse care
Finding and maintaining employment

To view our full list of services click here

Information about IDD

Lining items up or rearranging objects

Rocking back and forth

Spinning in Circles

Flapping Hands

Repetitive or Hard Blinking


Chewing or Mouthing Objects

Flicking, Tapping, Snapping or Drumming with Fingers

Cracking Joints

Making Noises like humming or Whistling


Spinning Objects

Flicking Switches on and off Repeatedly

Tapping Objects like Pens

Twisting or Pulling Hair

Walking Funny like on Tip Toes

Repeating Noises

Picking at Fingers or Biting them

Rubbing or Picking at the Skin

Picking at Scabs

Bouncing leg or foot

Moving toes

Head banging

Rubbing or petting certain objects or textures

Staring at rotating objects like fans

Staring at visuals


Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) refer to a group of diverse conditions that are characterized by limitations in cognitive functioning, communication, and social skills.

These disabilities may manifest themselves in childhood and affect a person’s ability to learn, communicate, and carry out daily activities independently. IDD can have varied causes, including genetic disorders, brain damage, and environmental factors.

Individuals with IDD may require additional support and assistance in their daily lives, such as specialized education, therapies, and accommodations in the workplace or community settings. It is important to promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society for all.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate, socialize, and behave appropriately in social situations. The traits of autism can vary widely from person to person, but they typically involve difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors or interests.

People with autism may struggle with understanding social cues, making eye contact, and engaging in conversation with others. They may also have sensory sensitivities or preferences, such as being hypersensitive to certain sounds or textures. Autistic individuals may have intense interests in specific topics or activities and exhibit repetitive behaviors, such as hand-flapping or rocking.

Some individuals with autism may also have intellectual or developmental disabilities, while others may have exceptional abilities in certain areas, such as music or math. It is important to recognize and understand the diverse range of traits associated with autism and to provide appropriate support and accommodations for individuals with autism to thrive.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that is typically associated with physical features such as a flat facial profile, small head and ears, short neck, almond-shaped eyes that slant upward, a tongue that tends to stick out of the mouth, tiny white spots on the iris of the eye, small hands and feet, and a single line across the palm of the hand (palmar crease).

In addition to physical features, people with Down syndrome may also have GI (gastrointestinal) abnormalities, such as blockage, heartburn, or celiac disease, as well as decreased or poor muscle tone. Immune disorders are also in some individuals with Down Syndrome.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra full or partial copy of the 21st chromosome. It is the most common genetic chromosomal disorder and cause of learning disabilities in children. There are three types of Down syndrome: Trisomy 21, Mosaicism, and Translocation.

Trisomy 21, also known as nondisjunction, is the most common form of Down syndrome, accounting for 95% of cases. It occurs when an extra copy of chromosome 21 is present in every cell. This is caused by an error in cell division called “nondisjunction”.

Mosaicism is the second most common type of Down syndrome, accounting for 1-2% of cases. It occurs when some cells have the extra chromosome 21, while other cells do not. This type is usually milder than Trisomy 21.

Translocation Down syndrome is the rarest type of Down syndrome, accounting for about 3% of cases It occurs when an extra part or a whole extra chromosome 21 is present, but it is attached or “trans-located” to a different chromosome rather than being a separate chromosome 21.

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects movement and coordination. The signs of cerebral palsy can vary widely from person to person, depending on the type and severity of the condition. Some of the most common signs of cerebral palsy include:

  1. Abnormal muscle tone: People with cerebral palsy may have muscles that are too stiff or too loose, making it difficult to control movements.
  2. Delayed motor milestones: Children with cerebral palsy may experience delays in reaching developmental milestones such as crawling, sitting, or walking.
  3. Spasticity: Spasticity is a condition in which muscles are tight and difficult to relax. It can cause stiffness, spasms, and difficulty with movement.
  4. Poor balance and coordination: People with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with balance and coordination, making it difficult to perform tasks that require fine motor skills.
  5. Abnormal posture: People with cerebral palsy may have an abnormal posture, such as an arched back or twisted limbs.
  6. Difficulty with speech: Some people with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with speech, including slurred speech or difficulty with articulation.
  7. Seizures: Some people with cerebral palsy may experience seizures, which can cause a loss of consciousness or convulsions.

It is important to note that these signs are not always present in every person with cerebral palsy and that the severity of the condition can vary widely. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have cerebral palsy, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition that affects movement and posture. It’s caused by brain damage that occurs before, during, or after birth. There are four main types of cerebral palsy:

  • spastic (or hypertonic) – stiffness and tightness in muscles* athetoid uncontrolled movements such as writhing or tremors
  • ataxic – difficulty with balance and coordination (for example, walking)
  • mixed type – features from two or more categories above

How Does Cerebral Palsy Affect Movement?

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects movement and posture. It can also cause problems with muscle coordination, balance, and other motor skills. The effects of cerebral palsy vary from person to person; some people may have mild symptoms while others will be severely affected. Cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury that occurs before birth or during the first few years of life. In some cases, it’s not clear what caused the injury or why certain parts of the brain were damaged; in others, there may be an identifiable cause such as high fever during pregnancy or inside the skull after birth (intracranial hemorrhage).

What Other Health Issues Can Cerebral Palsy Cause?

  • Seizures: About half of all people with CP experience seizures, which can be caused by brain injury or abnormalities. Seizure symptoms vary from person to person, but they may include a change in consciousness or behavior (such as staring into space), muscle jerking or twitching, and convulsions.
  • Vision problems: People with cerebral palsy might have trouble seeing clearly because their eyes don’t work together properly. This condition is called strabismus and it can cause double vision when you look at something straight ahead; one eye might turn inward toward the nose while the other looks straight ahead.
  • Hearing loss: Some children born with CP have hearing loss due to damage to their inner ear structures during birth or shortly afterward; others develop hearing loss later on as they grow older. Children who are deaf are more likely than those who aren’t deaf to develop language delays and speech problems that affect learning ability–but there are many ways for these kids’ communication skills (and yours) to improve over time!

What Are the Treatment Options for Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects motor control, muscle tone, and movement. There are many treatment options available to help people with cerebral palsy live as independently as possible. Physical therapy can help improve mobility by muscles and improve balance through therapy teaches skills such as dressing, feeding, and self-care so that you can live on your own without assistance if you choose to do so later in life. Speech therapy helps with communication issues caused by CP; this may include learning how to speak clearly or using alternative methods like sign language or speech machines if speaking isn’t possible for some reason (for example due to paralysis). Medication may be prescribed by your doctor when other treatments don’t work well enough on their own–this might include medications like steroids that reduce inflammation around damaged nerves so they can heal faster than normal; anti-seizure drugs which prevent seizures from happening again once one has already happened; antidepressants which ease anxiety-related symptoms such as depression or irritability; dopamine antagonists which block dopamine receptors in order reduce involuntary movements associated with overactive nerves under the brainstem area called basal ganglia.”

What Resources Are Available for People with Cerebral Palsy?

There are a number of resources available to people with cerebral palsy. These include:

  • Support groups can be helpful for both parents and children. They can also help you connect with other people who have had similar experiences.
  • Advocacy organizations, such as the Cerebral Palsy Association ( These organizations offer information about services and programs that might be available in your area, as well as support for families affected by CP.
  • Specialized schools or programs designed specifically for children with CP or other disabilities; many states have these types of schools available at little or no cost to families who qualify financially

How Does Cerebral Palsy Affect Each Person?

Each person with CP is affected differently. The severity of the condition can vary widely, from mild to severe. It’s important to remember that there are many different types of cerebral palsy, so each person will experience it differently.

What Are the Benefits of Early Diagnosis and Treatment?

Early diagnosis and important factors improving outcomes with cerebral palsy. A team of doctors, nurses, and therapists will work together to develop an individualized treatment plan that meets each person’s unique needs.

What Can Parents Do to Help Their Child with Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy can be a very difficult condition to live with, but there are things that parents can do to help their child.

  • Provide emotional support. Children with cerebral palsy may experience anxiety and depression because of the challenges they face. It is important for parents to be there for their kids and listen when they need someone to talk to.
  • Be an advocate for your child’s rights as well as their needs–and know what those rights are! You’ll want them to have access to the best care possible, which might mean advocating for them at school or in other settings where they receive services (like physical therapy).
  • Help them develop skills and reach their full potential by providing opportunities where they can practice those skills on a regular basis–for example, if your child has trouble walking due to CP then take him/her swimming so he/she will have more practice walking in water than on land; this will also help build strength in his/her legs which may make walking easier later down the road!

What Can Communities Do to People CP?

Communities can help people with cerebral palsy by providing access to resources, creating inclusive environments, and supporting research and advocacy efforts.

  • Provide Access to Resources: Communities should make sure that the physical environment is accessible for everyone, including those with disabilities. This includes making sure that public buildings have ramps instead of stairs, as well as bathrooms with wheelchair-accessible stalls; it also means that service providers are aware of the needs of their clients and provide services in an appropriate manner (e.g., offering sign language interpreters when needed).
  • Create Inclusive Environments: The social environment should be accessible as well–people with disabilities should not feel excluded or discriminated against because they have a disability or special need than being treated just because they’re different from their peers, everyone deserves equal treatment regardless of any differences between them!

To be inclusive of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, you first need to create a welcoming environment. This means making sure that your home is accessible for all guests, including those who use wheelchairs or walkers. If you have stairs in your house, make sure they’re well-lit and have handrails on both sides of each step so that people can easily climb them safely.
If someone has an IDD, it’s important not only that they feel welcome but also that their friends and family members feel comfortable around them too–so keep these pointers in mind:

Respect individual differences by being patient when communicating with someone who has a form of IDD. Overall do not expect him/her to understand everything immediately or respond quickly when spoken too quickly. However, do not assume a person’s limitations or speak to them as if they are “dumb”. 

Listen carefully before responding so that there are no key points being missed in the conversation. This will help ensure that everyone stays engaged and feels respected when talking

Provide Appropriate Accommodations



Support services

Inclusion in Social Activities

When you’re planning an activity, think about whether or not it would be appropriate (safe) for the person. If you’re unsure ask someone who is. Then if the answer is yes and they are interested in participating, invite them!

Remember, if they have trouble understanding what’s happening at first or getting involved, don’t assume that they don’t want to participate. They may need some extra support from you or another person who understands their needs better than you do.
Respect their choices about how much involvement they want in the activity. For example, if someone doesn’t want to talk much but enjoys listening quietly while others talk around them (a common trait among people with autism), then let them do so without pressuring them into talking more often than necessary.

Respect Personal Space

Ask before touching

Respect Privacy

Listen to boundaries 

Provide Accessible Resources

Online Resources. There are many websites where you can learn about intellectual and developmental disabilities, including the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD) and the National Down Syndrome Society.

Assistive technology is any tool or device that helps an individual with a disability to communicate, learn or perform more easily. These tools include communication devices such as speech-generating devices, augmentative communication devices (such as tablets), switches, or other input devices. Specialized software applications such as screen readers; mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers; educational materials in alternative formats such as large print books or Braille materials; electronic organizers/scanners/copiers/printers, etc. This allows individuals with low vision access to printed material through scanning technology rather than having them read from page to page manually.

Be Open to Learning

If you are not familiar with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), it can be hard to know what to say or do. Therefore the best way to be inclusive is by being open-minded. On top of that being willing to learn about the unique needs of people with IDD. Try to ask questions, listen carefully when someone answers, and do not assume that because someone does not look or talk like you that they are not smart.

Respect differences – A person who has IDD might need more help than another person. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of doing things on their own as well as anyone else would be.


Inclusion is a journey, not a destination. It is about creating an environment that allows people with IDD to participate in the community. This can include participating in social events, volunteering, and working alongside their peers without the fear of exclusion or being discriminated against because of their disability

Lastly, it is important for everyone to understand that inclusion does not mean that all people with IDD are treated the exact same as others. It is about equity and making reasonable changes so they can participate equally in relationships, activities, and life.


Do distinguish whether the person is an adult or child when speaking about or referencing someone with an intellectual and/or developmental disability (IDD).

Do treat individuals with IDD with respect and dignity.

Do speak clearly and slowly, and use simple language for more understanding

Do ask questions to ensure understanding and avoid making assumptions.

Do use visual aids, such as pictures or diagrams, to help with communication.

Do be patient and allow extra time for individuals with IDD to process information.

Do use positive reinforcement and praise to encourage and motivate.

Do be inclusive and provide opportunities for individuals with IDD to participate in activities.

Do advocate IDD to ensure they receive the services and support they need.

Do seek training or education to learn more about IDD and how to interact with individuals with IDD.

Do provide accommodations and modifications to help individuals with IDD access information and participate in activities.

Do Not’s:

Do not use derogatory language such as:

  • “mental retardation”, “retard”, or any other form of the word when referencing or speaking to a person with an intellectual and/or developmental disorder (IDD). The use of this was replaced in 2010 officially and changed to intellectual disability for a more respectful and non-hateful terminology. 
  •  “Downs Syndrome” or “Mongoloid”.  The term “Downs Syndrome” was replaced with “Down Syndrome” because of Dr. Down who characterized the disability. The possessive is dropped so that it is not “owned” by Dr. Down nor did he have it. Using the term “Mongoloid” to describe an individual with down syndrome is not accepted because of the racial and hateful past the word carries. Due to the characteristics of people with disability, they were suggested by racialist scientists to be a regression of human evolution and were more “primitive” and received practically no education in life. 

Do not say a person is afflicted with or is a victim of their disability. 

Do not use words when referencing someone who uses a wheelchair like “confined to”, “restricted to”, or “wheelchair-bound”. 

Do not refer to a person’s disability as unfortunate or as something negative.

Do not assume that individuals with IDD are unable to make decisions or understand information.

Do not ignore individuals with IDD or exclude them from activities or conversations.

Do not overprotect or limit individuals with IDD from participating in activities due to fear of injury or harm.

Do not assume that all individuals with IDD have the same abilities or limitations.

Do not make assumptions about an individual’s intelligence or potential based on their IDD.

Do not rush or pressure individuals with IDD to respond or complete tasks quickly.

Do not make decisions for individuals with IDD without their input or consent.

Do not forget to show kindness, empathy, and compassion towards individuals with IDD.

FAQ Sources: 
Signs of Down Syndrome:



Types of Down Syndrome:
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